Welcome to the official website for the village of Oneida Castle, NY.
You probably saw that there hasn't been any work done on the sewer system. The contractor asked if he could suspend construction until April 1st, weather permitting. I talked it over with the board and our engineer and we all agreed that it was a good idea. This has been a tough winter and if our streets would be dug up longer because of the start and stop digging. That would leave the residents with roads tore up longer and tougher to get in and out of their driveway. The contractor is going to put on 3 crews when the restart. There will be 2 for digging and hooking up the sewer mains and one crew to repair the street and lawns. All holes have been filled backup. If there is settlement on your street please let me know and I will have the contractor come and fill it in.
Also brought up was the use of the village park for events such as band, children's games, food trucks and much more. This would be a weekly event and I hope you will attend and have a good time. This is not just for village residents, it's for anyone interested in attending.
Our next meeting will be April 7th. There will be a public hearing at 6:30 PM in regards to our proposed new budget and our regular meeting at 7 PM. Hope you can make it. If you haven't already done so, please sign up to be placed on our village email list. When you get on our list you will be the first to know what is going on the in the village and any new updates on the sewer project. To get on the email list just email me at jdescham@twcny.rr.com
Below is our approved February minutes.
Mayor John Deschamps
February 3, 2025
The regular monthly meeting of the Oneida Castle Village Board was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor John Deschamps in the village office. Also present were Trustees Ackerman and Gwilt, Clerk Canada and Treasurer Meyers. Village residents in attendance were Carolyn Deschamps, Ed Lottermoser, Rhonda McLaughlin, Fred and Cindy Whipple, Melanie Osier, Kathy Wojciechowski, Tom Cochran, Sherri Stone ,Gabe Stone, Cody Carnaya, David DeFrees and Jared Kirstein.
A motion was made by Trustee Ackerman and seconded by Trustee Gwilt to accept the January minutes.
Melanie Osier gave a report on an event in the park during the summer months, she would like to hold. There would be food trucks, music, fund raising, crafters, and small businesses represented. The Board had many questions for her regarding removal of trash, parking, electricity and security issues.
Melanie stated that she had done this before and would be responsible to oversee insurances, get the bands and come to an agreement on trash. She said that very often the food truck vendors take their trash with them when they leave. All food trucks have their own power source and are self sufficient.
The parking lot on First St. would be a good place to park the trucks as well as the lot between the hall and MEID. Melanie also said that a portion of the profits would go to charities. Mayor Deschamps thought this was a good idea and asked for a report on which charities they donated to and the amount.
It seemed like Thursdays would be a good day to do this.
Mr. Kirstein stated that he was glad he came tonight as he is very much in favor of any event in the village that brings people together. The food trucks and music sound like a great idea to him.
Questions arose from the floor about the slow progress of the sewers. The weather is slowing everything down. Residents also questioned the condition of their lawns and mailbox areas.
The meeting began with the progress of the sewers and the problems they are running into. They have ben hampered by the snow and wind conditions which is making their progress very slow. There will be a group meeting to see what they plan to do next.
Gabe Stone, the candidate for his Eagle Scout Badge, ,gave a report on his progress. He stated that his “little free book library” will go into the park this weekend, weather permitting. Gabe said that he is very near reaching his financial goal for this project and is lacking only $300 to finish up. His candidacy will be reviewed by the Boy Scout Council in either February or March.
Mr. Kirstein of Seneca Ave has stated that he would be glad to donate the final $300 for this project. This was greeted with thanks and applause.
Trustee Ackerman reported on the wet spot on the rug in the meeting room of the hall. He said it is much better but there still is one little spot that is wet. MEID has been very cooperative and has just about exhausted all options. It was decided to table this until spring to see what happens when the snow melts.
Trustee Gwilt reported that he will be taking down the Christmas wreaths when weather permits. He has a group of very good volunteers from the high school who are helping him with park duties.
Mrs. Meyers requested permission from the Board to transfer $5000 from the contingency fund to the attorney fund. A motion was made by Mr. Gwilt and seconded by Mr. Ackerman to do this.
The treasurer began her report with the cash flows for January. Inflows were $658,816.60 (EFC and EPA grant payments). Outflows were $637,475.77 making an overall positive $21,340.83.
Year to date inflows are $1,983,172.23 while outflows wee $2,075,370.78 leaving an overall year to date total of negative $92,198.55.
There is currently $136,801.60 in checking and $105,683.79 in savings. The general fund balance is $242,070.26.
The Oneida Castle Veteran Memorial Fund has $6,832.21 and approved Deep Roots for fertilizer in the memorial park. The Ada Karr CD is now at $13,874.21.
A motion was made by Trustee Gwilt and seconded by Trustee Ackerman to adjourn at 7:50pm. The next scheduled meeting of the Oneida Castle Village Board will take place on March 3, 2025.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Canada,