Welcome to the official website for the village of Oneida Castle, NY.

Still waiting on the EPA to approve our bidding process and let us notify the low bidder. Hopefully that will be soon. I am putting the unapproved June minutes in early because I won't be at the next meeting. I don't believe there will be any changes. Have a great summer

Mayor John Deschamps

June 3, 2024

The June meeting of the Oneida Castle Village Board was called to order by Mayor John Deschamps at 7:00PM in the village office. Also present were Trustee Ackerman, Clerk Canada and Treasurer Meyers. (Absent: Trustee Gwilt) Village residents in attendance were Kathy W., Tom Cochran, Eric Eaton, and Michael Richmond


Trustee Ackerman made a motion to accept the May minutes. This was seconded by Mayor Deschamps.




Mayor Deschamps began the meeting with the business of the Air B&B on W. 9th St. Mr. Eaton and Mr. Richmond were unable to stay for the meeting but had inquired about the status of their B&B. Mayor Deschamps stated that this issue will continued to be tabled and the owners may continue to operate this as a B&B. He has talked to the codes and they have no problem with this. This will take some time to get a special permit. Trustee Ackerman made a motion to allow the B&B to operate with provisions for a special use permit to be obtained and a yearly inspection to be done.

Mayor Deschamps reported that the Town of Vernon has given us a gift of $2000. The Mayor suggested that we give Gabriel Stone, who is working on his Eagle Scout badge ,$1,000 of this to pursue his project. It was also suggested that we use the remainder of this money to preserve the quilt made by the Oneida Castle school children. Jack and Jean will look into this as to what is needed for covering, hanging, etc.

Sewer bids will be accepted tomorrow, June 4, 2024, at 11:00. There has been quite a bit of interest so all involved are eager to see how many bids we get and what they are.

Mayor Deschamps stated that Dan Jones had stoned around the electric sign for no charge. The clerk was requested to call DOT and ask for a pothole to be patched at the beginning of East 5th St. There is also a problem with the ditch that runs down Steuben. It needs to be cleaned out and dug to allow the flow back beginning on East 5th St.

The Mayor informed the Board that he will be out of the country from July until early August. He gave Deputy Mayor , Donald Ackerman, permission to act on his behalf concerning all matters of village business.


Mrs. Meyers began her report by reminding everyone that this report is the last report for our fiscal years. Inflows for the month of May were $26,256.08 and outflows were $15,291.95 making an overall total for May to be $10,964.15. Year to date inflows were $162,075.57 and outflows were $124,957.21 making an overall year to date total of a positive $37,118.36.

End of year balance for the savings is $105,648.41 and ending checking balance is $229,128.14. The general fund end of year balance is $334,268.48. There is $13,816.94 in the Ada Karr Fund and $6,832.21 in the Veteran Memorial Fund. A motion was made by Trustee Ackerman and seconded by Mayor Deschamps to accept the financial report.


A motion was made by Trustee Ackerman and seconded by Mayor Deschamps to adjourn at 7:40. The next meeting will take place on July 8, 2024 due to the Fourth of July holiday.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Canada, Village Clerk