Welcome to the official website for the village of Oneida Castle, NY.
I'm back from vacation and looking forward to seeing everyone again. The sewer project is moving along and the actual work hopefully will start by the end of this month or earlier. It's been a long time in coming but well worth it. We have many failing septic systems in the village and for the homeowner it will cost$15,000 to $20,000 to replace the failed system and possibly more. Also one of these days it's going to be mandated that we we go to a sewer system and we may not get the grants that we have now. This was explained to us by the state when we first started this project. I know there are residents that don't want this sewer but the majority of the village want and need this project since the our land mostly is clay based. Also there an ordinance in place that was passed when when we first received information that we won that grant. It states that residents have one year from completion of the sewer mains to hook up to the sewer systems. Our new sewers are a benefit to everyone as it will increase the value of your homes. Our village meeting is September 9th at 7 PM. Below is the minutes of our August meeting.
August 5, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the Oneida Castle Village Board was called to order by Deputy Mayor Donald Ackerman at 7:00pm in the village office. Also present was Trustee Gwilt, Clerk Canada and Treasurer Meyers. Village residents in attendance were Kathy W., Larry Nogas, Tom Cochran, and Ed Lottermoser. (Absent: Mayor Deschamps)
A motion was made by Donald Ackerman and seconded by Trustee Gwilt to accept the minutes as read.
A question came from the floor regarding the number of trees that would be lost due to the sewers. Mr. Ackerman answered by stating there would be about 80 trees that would need to be rmoved. The public was welcome to look at the master plan to see if their trees would be affected. Mr. Nogas asked if the plans have been approved by the contractor for both the state and federal programs. Mr. Ackerman responded by stating yes and that all is ready to go.
Deputy Mayor Ackerman reported that our lead engineer hopes that the project can begin around Sept 1. He does not know where exactly where they will begin or if they can begin in the usual place which is the lowest point.
Mr. Ackerman reported that there is $80,570.79 in CHIPS money. He also reminded those present that eventually their hook up will have to be approved by our codes officers.
Trustee Gwilt reported that he had reinstalled the Garden Club sign in the park and has ordered new dog refuse stations. He has some high school students working on the park to gain their volunteer hours that are needed to graduate. This will be a big help that is badly needed.
Treasurer Meyers began her report by stating that the final completion date of the sewer project will be May 1 2026. This date includes a winter shut down period if necessary.
Mrs. Meyers reported the cash flows for July. Inflows were $8,275.08 while outflows were $15,854.27 making a total of -$7,579.19.
Year to date inflows were $16,508.71 compared to 2023 inflows of $26,301.82 making an amount difference of -$8,798.11. Year to date outflows for 2024 were $31,708.84 compared to 2023 outflows of $22,771.34 making an amount difference of $7,804.60.
The overall total for 2024 is $-$15,200.13 compared to the 2023 figure of $8,530.34 making an total amount difference of -$18,730.61.
There is currently $224,144.91 in checking and $105,657.21 in savings making a general fund balance of $317,343.76.
The Veteran Memorial Fund has $6,832.21 and the Ada Karr CD has $13,835.84.
A motion was made by Trustee Gwilt to accept this financial report. This was seconded by Deputy Mayor Ackerman.
A motion was made by Mr. Ackerman and seconded by Trustee Gwilt to adjourn at 7:30. The next meeting will take place on September 9th due to the Labor Day holiday.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Canada, Village Clerk