Welcome to the official website for the village of Oneida Castle, NY.

The digging has started and I hope you have found a contractor to look at your septic system and place a post on your property line to show where you want your sewer lateral to come to. Remember that property line would be were the village right of way is and that is 50 feet from the center of the road. If the post is not in the yard then the contractor will go to the site the engineer placed on the engineering map. That may or may not be the best and cheapest location for you.

Shortly a letter will be sending a letter to every property owner about the sewer system. It should answer any question and if it doesn't you just give a call and I'll answer the best that I can.

Our next village board meeting will be held on November 11th at 7 PM. We have been getting a larger crowd and hope it gets bigger. Below is the September minutes,

Mayor John Deschamps

September 9, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Oneida Castle Village Board was called to order by Mayor John Deschamps at 7:00pm in the village hall. Also present were Trustees Ackerman and Gwilt, Clerk Canada and Treasurer Meyers. The following residents were in attendance: Carolyn Deschamps, Martha Mallery, Cindy Whipple, Fred Whipple, Ron Miller, Taylor Egy, Patrick Parker, Larry Nogas, Rob Wright, Erin Trexler, Eric Trexler, Kathy Wojciechowski, Marie Precourt, Sherri Stone, Gabriel Stone, Tom Cochran, Dave DeMarco and Sandy Healy. Mr. Keith Scheible, Oneida County Legislator gave his report before the meeting began as he had other town town meetings to attend.


A motion was made by Trustee Ackerman and seconded by Trustee Gwilt to accept the September minutes.


Mr. Scheible gave the highlights from the Oneida County Legislators meeting. He spoke of the Violence Intervention grant for $50,000 from the state to purchase a “Shotspotter” which would use sensors to pinpoint gunfire in a location. Portable radios will also be purchased for Emergency Services to fill the gaps in coverage in the Emergency Services Network. It is planned to purchase 101 for fire personnel and 31 for police.


All of the public concerns pertained to the new sewer system and will be reported in the Business section of these minutes.


The meeting began with the Mayor thanking everyone for attending and said how good it was to see the residents. He stated he hopes they return on a regular basis to keep abreast of the happenings in the village. He began by stating that the name of the general contractor who will be installing the sewer system is Jablonsky Construction out of Gloversville. Our engineers have checked all their qualifications and we should be good to go.

Mr. Miller began by asking when will they be starting the sewer system and whether or not you will need a permit for hooking up. The Mayor stated that they are starting this week by removing trees for the lines and will progress from there. Hooking up will be at the end. Residents will be asked to put a marker in the ground where they want this hook up to be located. Each resident’s lateral will have different costs depending on how much digging is involved. The septic tank must be pumped and filled with sand.
This will be inspected by the Codes Officer.

Mayor Deschamps reported that he has searched high and low but has been unable to find grants to assist the homeowner with these hookups.

Mr. DeMarco asked if he will be able to hook up on the nearest side and if there will be a list of contractors provided. The Mayor replied that the homeowner will decided where they want to hook up. A list will not be provided because if someone were left out, it could be said that partiality was shown for those on the list.

Mrs. Mallery questioned how the driveways would be affected and if the work will continue throughout the winter. The response was that both the driveways and the roads will be repaired. The village has been saving their CHIPS money for this road repair. The sewer work will continue during the winter months when weather permits.

Kathy Wojociechowski thanked the Mayor for all his efforts to pursue the sewer system for the good of the Village. It has been badly needed for many years and will give us a safer and cleaner place to live. This statement was met with applause from those attending. Oneida Castle is mostly based on clay which means it is poor for drainage making foul odors leaching into Oneida Creek.

Mr. Stoker of E. 6th St. asked if grinders will be necessary. Mayor Deschamps responded by saying that only 5 or 6 will be needed throughout the village. Two will be needed on Seneca Ave.

Mrs. Precourt questioned whether all will be required to hook up. Mayor Deschamps stated yes it is a law and and all residents will have one year to do this.

Mr. Wright asked how our taxes will be affected. Treasurer Meyers explained the process of the 30 year bond which will amount to roughly $400 per year due the following year from when it is issued. This figure will depend upon the actual amount that we have to borrow at the time.

Mr. Whipple asked what had happened to the Town of Vernon going in on this. At the beginning he thought they were. The Mayor agreed that initially they were but then decided to back out.

A question arose about the involvement with the Oneida Nation on this. Mayor Deschamps stated that we have one home in the village owned by a tribe in Canada. Other than that we have nobody. The Oneida Nation will be there for the digging and will have the right to stop construction if they determine it is necessary.

In other business, Gabriel Stone who is working on his Eagle Scout badge announced that he will be holding a bottle and can drive on September 21st at the hall. If a person cannot make this he requested that they can drop them off at his house. He explained his project Exercising Body and Mind in Oneida Castle Park. Some residents asked if he could accept monetary donations. Gabe said that would be wonderful and that he would glady accept any amount of donation.

Larry Nogas asked if there was any progress being made in repairing the fence at the end of W. 6th St. This issue will be checked into with the Town.

Trustee Ackerman reported that the new generator was installed. The next step will be to purchase cots in order to make the hall a storm shelter. Trustee Gwilt stated that he is working on the park getting it ready for winter and has volunteer high school students helping him in order to gain their volunteer hours.


Mrs. Meyers began her report with the cash flows from August. Inflows were $1,164.03 while outflows were $36,281.37 leaving a general fund net monthly total of -$35,117.34. Year to date inflows are $25,947.82 while year to date outflows are -$42,042.39. This figure reflects engineering costs which will be reimbursed.

There is currently $105,661.69 in savings and $186,957.76 in checking makine a total general fund balance of $292,226.42. There is $6,832.21 in the Oneida Castle Veteran Memorial Fund and $13,842.29 in the Ada Karr Fund.

A motion was made by Trustee Ackerman and seconded by Trustee Gwilt to accept this financial report.


A motion was made by Trustee Gwilt and seconded by Trustee Ackerman to adjourn at 8:20. The next meeting will take place on October 7th, 2024.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Canada, Clerk