Welcome to the official website for the village of Oneida Castle, NY.
The Contractor's Meeting didn't give me a lot. I did bring up the problems brought up at last night meetings. The contractor is looking hopefully to start the South side of Seneca St the first or second week of February Now they are behind schedule and our engineers are thinking they are o far behind schedule that they will start paying those daily fines. So don't excited if they aren't working on the South side of Seneca St at those dates, but I would suggest that you have those stakes in the ground where you want you lateral.
I am going to attach the minutes of last nights meeting. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to contact me.
Mayor John Deschamps
Here ate the minutes of December's meeting.
December 2, 2024
A public hearing for a 6-month moratorium on Commercial Free -Standing Solar Photovoltaic Systems Within the village of Oneiaa Castle Local Law #1-2024 was called to order at 6:30pm in the Village office. Present were Trustees Ackerman and Gwilt, Clerk Canada and Treasurer Alicia Meyers. (Absent: Mayor Deschamps) Residents in attendance were Thomas Cochran , Kathy Wojociechoski, Thomas Sears, David DeFries, Elaine York ,Taylor Eggy, Sharon Bognasky, Pam Rood, Dean Stoker,Brandon Lanz, Angela Lauren, Michelle Moore, Richard Moore, Rhonda McLaughin, Patrick Parker and Cody Carnaya.
Deputy Mayor Ackerman reviewed the initial resolution for the moratorium on solar power. A question arose whether this moratorium would be on commercial installations only. Trustee Gwilt answered with a yes. This would not affect private solar installations. There was also a question whether or not anyone in the village had requested to install a commercial solar .installation. Mr. Ackerman responded by saying there has been no requests to his knowledge. There were no other questions from the floor. A roll call vote was taken with for the adoption of this resolution. Mr. Ackerman and Mr, Gwilt both voted aye . There were no nay votes..
It is the intent of the Village Board to adopt this resolution upon the approval of Oneida County.
Since there was some confusion over the time of the hearing and the meeting, Deputy Mayor Ackerman began the meeting at 6:45.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes.
The meeting began with a motion by Mr. Ackerman to form a committee called the Community Assistance Committee (CAC) to aid residents in looking for grants to help with the sewer costs. This motion was seconded by Trustee Gwilt.The chairman of this committee will be Cody Carnaya and the members will consist of Kathy W. and Tom Cochran.
Deputy Mayor Ackerman briefly introduced a resolution regarding short term rentals in the Village. This will be tabled until next month when Mayor Deschamps is present. Trustee Gwilt reported that the village sign has been repaired and is up and running. He also said the Facebook page is another good source to check information.
The clerk reported that she had signed the necessary paperwork for EFC. Treasurer Meyers notarized this signature. This paperwork was given to bond counsel who will
deliver it to the EFC office in Albany.
The Treasurer began her report with the cash flows from November. Inflows were $32,575.99. This figure includes Oneida County sales tax for the 3rd quarter which is the largest figure we can remember. Outflows were $28,754.77 making an overall positive total of $3,821.22
Year to date inflows were $1,049,607.31. This includes an EPA sewer grant of $952,546.48. Outflows were ,$115,136.89 making an overall total of -$65,529.58. This includes a sewer payment of $1,051,211.35.
There is currently $105,674.83 in savings and $165,815.44 in checking, making a general fund balance of $268,799.23.
There is $6,832.21 in the Oneida Castle Veteran Fund and $13,861.46 in the Ada Karr Fund.
A motion was made by Trustee Ackermen and seconded by Trustee Gwilt to accept this financial report.
A motion was made by Trustee Gwilt and seconded by Trustee Ackerman to adjourn at 7:15 PM. The next scheduled meeting of the Oneida Castle Village Board will take place on January 13, 2025.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Canada, Village Clerk